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About my Study Abroad

Exploring the Creative Economy in Singapore

The creative industries and the economy they generate are apparent in every facet of urban culture—from print media to city planning. Our current digital era has propelled music, film, art, and design into the homogeneous stream of the global image. This trip explores how the creative industries can improve the quality of life both locally and globally. We will investigate the historical and critical perspectives of the arts in a variety of contexts. Specific topics provide a focus for students to discover the ways in which the arts inform each other and are shaped by the events of the world. Through lectures, guest lectures, study tours, studio visits, readings and assignments in critical looking/thinking/making, students in this study abroad will gain first-hand experience of the many variables that have and continue to influence the collaborative mindset in relation to art, design, visual culture, process and the creative industries. The course will provide an overview of the filmmakers, musicians, key artists, designers, architects and framing methodologies applied to the medium being studied. Through an examination of historical and current imagery, music, video, film, and visual technologies, students will understand the key concepts and philosophies regarding the creative economy and its historical contexts. Students will gain first-hand experience of the many variables that have and continue to influence the collaborative mindset in relation to art, design, visual culture, process, and execution. Assigned readings, writings, projects, and travel experiences allow students to develop skills in collaboration while working on interdisciplinary design and art initiatives.

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